Art or design specifically made to be accessible for an audience, through a commission process, and also created with input from a community, is public art. Public art is often viewed as a long-term investment, and funded by sources such as taxes.
Public art is almost everywhere you can think of! It can be a music and light art festival, a sculpture in a park, or a mural in a hospital.
Governments may want to commemorate a person or an event and invite artists to make proposals. Citizens may hire experts to adorn their homes or properties with interesting architectural features or artworks.
At CODAworx, we understand that corporate leaders may want to commission an exciting art project for employees to enjoy at the office. Decisions are being made to install public art in unexpected places, such as underneath bridges and in airports, to add character to locations, help create landmarks, and establish other placemaking benefits. As more civic, corporate, and individual leaders understand the benefits of public art, we believe this definition, and the public art industry, will grow.